Gibraltar I have written several times about Gibraltar in the past, and everyone seems to like hearing about this fascinating place. So today I decided to write about a more specific thing in Gibraltar, the apes. If you would like some more information about Gibraltar before reading about the apes, … Continue reading
Calendars I am one of those people who desperately needs to keep a calendar to keep track of everything. Upcoming blog posts, classes, and events. When I don’t have a calendar, my mind gets filled up with random dates that I know are important, but I can’t remember why. So … Continue reading
Traveling To Ghana I love to travel, always have. So when I got in contact with Our Generation Voluntary Organization (OGVO) Ghana about a 3 week community service and travel program, I was thrilled. So this November I will be going to Ghana to participate in this program helping out … Continue reading
Gibraltar Gibraltar is the peninsula off Spain. However it is not actually territory of Spain. Gibraltar is territory of the UK and has been longer then it was territory of Spain. There are many interesting and unique things that you can find in Gibraltar. The rock of Gibraltar is one … Continue reading
Dying your hair with kool-aid I have seen tutorials for how to dye your hair with kool-aid several times and always thought that it looked cool. So a few days ago I decided to try it. It worked great, the color came through, it didn’t take TOO long, it was … Continue reading
The Importance Of Photography About a month ago I did a post on Spain through my eyes, and a lot of you really liked it. So, I decided I will start doing more Through My Eyes of some of my favorite countries. Photography is SUCH an important thing. You can put … Continue reading
Learning the guitar While my family and I were in Spain at a Lidl, my dad found a Spanish guitar for only 50 euro. He got it, and started learning during the evenings. After a while I started to think that I might like to play guitar. So I started … Continue reading
As you all know, Ever-Pretty is a great dress company that I love. All o f their dresses are fabulous! So make sure to check out their website here. They recently did an interesting info-graphic on the history of fashion that I thought you may enjoy. Presented By Ever-Pretty Dresses … Continue reading
Make your own shampoo and conditioner If there is one thing I’m crazy about, its taking all the everyday chemicals out of my life. I like doing things as natural as possible. So when I heard there was a way to wash your hair with baking soda and vinegar, I … Continue reading
Del Sol This company makes shirts, dresses, nail polishes, bags, earrings, hair clips, and more that change color in the sun! Yes, that’s right they change their color in the sun it’s amazing. Del sol is the leading brand in color changing clothes and after trying several of their items, … Continue reading