Top 10 Desserts In Europe

Belgian Chocolate

Desserts Is there anything better after a meal then to try a traditional dessert of the country you are in?  I love trying different classic desserts around Europe, and after a lot of thinking and two years of trying desserts, I was finally able to compile a list of my … Continue reading

Gibraltar Through My Eyes

Gibraltar top of the rock

Gibraltar Gibraltar is the peninsula off Spain.  However it is not actually territory of Spain.  Gibraltar is territory of the UK and has been longer then it was territory of Spain.  There are many interesting and unique things that you can find in Gibraltar.  The rock of Gibraltar is one … Continue reading

Croatia Through My Eyes

Croatia through my eyes Plitvice

The Importance Of Photography About a month ago I did a post on Spain through my eyes, and a lot of you really liked it.  So, I decided I will start doing more Through My Eyes of some of my favorite countries.  Photography is SUCH an important thing.  You can put … Continue reading

Travelsickness and Learning To Fly first chapter

Sum fly book mock 5

Travelsick You know that feeling when you travel for an extended period of time, when you keep moving from place to place.  Each day its a new city, village, or town to explore.  You keep visiting different countries with new food and a different language, and life is always an … Continue reading