Hair Tutorial: Hair Chalking

What is hair chalking?

Hair chalking is the use of chalk to temporarily change the color of your hair in an easy way. I saw a pin on pinterest about this idea, and decided to try it out. It’s fairly simple, works pretty well, but be warned it can be a bit messy.  Here are the instructions and a few tips and tricks that I figured out. you can do this for a special occasion or for a school spirit day.  I hope you try it out!  🙂

Hair chalking how to:

1. Buy a box of soft chalk at a craft store not oil paints they stain everything.  You should use gloves, you dont have too but if you dont your hands will look like a party all on their own.

2. Take a small strand of your hair and get it completely wet but not dripping. Then, loosely twist the strand of your hair.

3. Pick your color of chalk you want and get the tip of it a little damp. Next, starting at the top rub the chalk down your hair. Be careful not bring the chalk back up only go in the downwards direction. I had to do about 20-30 strokes on my darker hair to get good color.

4. After doing all the colors you want let the strands dry completely. *Do not brush through your hair while drying or after sealing in the color*

5. Finally use a straight or curling iron on your hair to seal in the color.

This was my final result.

Tricks and tips:  If you are going to try coloring your hair for a special occasion you are going to want to practice the night before. Don’t do this to often it dries out your hair a lot. If one of the strands doesn’t turn out the way you want just rinse it out and try again. You  can get out the color by just washing your hair very thoroughly with shampoo. This is messy and it can get your shirt covered in chalk too so keep that in mind.  

Extra:  You can experiment with the chalk and do patterns stripes, rainbows, ext.


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