Join The Blogger Convention in Ghana!!!

Traveling To Ghana

I love to travel, always have.  So when I got in contact with Our Generation Voluntary Organization (OGVO) Ghana about a 3 week community service and travel program, I was thrilled.  So this November I will be going to Ghana to participate in this program helping out in an orphanage.

I decided that this would be a great opportunity to put together a small group to go to Ghana with.  So now, this Ghana trip is going to be a bloggers and YouTubers convention.  We can help out at the orphanage and travel around Ghana. Click here to view the program.

All of us have traveled and have many fascinating stories to share.  We can collaborate on blogs, videos, and help share followers.  This will be a great chance for us all to meet and create friendships.

I think that volunteering at he orphanage will be very rewarding and special as well, it is very important to me because my brother was adopted.  All of the bloggers will be together in the same town, and I can’t wait to meet everyone.  Everyone going will get 15% off of the regular price for the trip which includes pickups at the airport, housing, and food.

I can’t wait to share this experience of a lifetime with other bloggers and YouTubers.

Contact Me About Participating

If you are interested in participating in this convention please contact me.

You can email me at or tweet me @SummerBarcenas

I look forward to hearing from you, and I am SO excited for this opportunity!  I ALWAYS respond to all my emails, so don’t hesitate to email me for any questions.

Summer Barcenas