The perfect chocolate dessert I love chocolate. I love chocolate cake, chocolate brownies, and chocolate tarts. So when I met Mirko, an exchange student from Italy who brought me ‘chocolate salami’ I knew it would be good. Now don’t be alarmed there is no meat in this dessert, it is … Continue reading
Tag Archives: dessert

Joseph Oregon If you know of Joseph Oregon then you know what an adorable little town that it is. The downtown is one road and has more charm then you could ever imagine. There are metal sculptures of eagles, wolves, and bikes. The views of the mountains are beautiful, and … Continue reading

Candy Making Fun I’ve always wanted to try to make toffee. I never did though thinking that I needed a candy thermometer. Turns out you don’t! It’s super easy too! How to make english toffee: Ingredients: 1 cup butter 1/2 cup water 1 cup sugar 1. Put the butter in … Continue reading

Delicious Dessert I haven’t had pears in a REALLY long time so when I saw some cute little locally supplied pears, I decided to get them. After deciding that I wanted to make some kind of desert with the pears I found a great idea! Pears stuffed with chocolate and wrapped … Continue reading