I am one of those people who desperately needs to keep a calendar to keep track of everything. Upcoming blog posts, classes, and events. When I don’t have a calendar, my mind gets filled up with random dates that I know are important, but I can’t remember why. So after being calendar-less for much too long, I decided to make my own fun calendar.
What you need:
-7 strips of paint color pallets with 7 different colors
How to make the calendar
1. Put the colors in whichever order that you want then turn them face down on a flat surface.
2. Tape together each strip one by one, and try to line them up as much as possible. 3. Once all the strips are taped together turn the calender right side up. Using a real calendar of the month that you need, write out the dates in the correct boxes.
That’s it! Isn’t it simple? It makes such a colourful and fun calendar! I know this is how I will be doing my calendars from now on. It takes barley any time, and I love the result! Make sure that you try this simple tutorial to make your own fun calendars too, it’s lots of fun! 🙂