I have learned throughout my travels that wearing the right shoes makes a bigger impact than you would expect. A visit to a city could go many different ways depending on what shoes you wear. Many places in Europe have cobblestone streets or depending on what you see you will have to go hiking. When packing for a trip you don’t want big bulky shoes that will take away from your space for souvenirs! You also want shoes that won’t get too hot during all that walking. A shoe you can wear with or without socks. And don’t forget the VERY important matter of having the shoes be able to get wet without getting damaged! Ah, all the necessary qualities of the perfect travel shoe. After two years of travel all over the world in many different climates, experiences, and testing I have found the perfect travel shoe!
My Tevas have been nothing but good to me. They are that shoe I couldn’t live without.
Tevas are:
-easy to pack
-can be slip-ons
-have grips for hiking
-can be worn with or without socks
-you can swim in them
-quick and easy to put on
-go with anything
-can be worn anywhere
I have worn my Tevas all over, they have gone paragliding in Croatia with me.
Hiked around the beautiful beaches of Lagos Portugal. Explored charming little sugar cube villages in Spain.
Walked around amazing quaint Annecy France.
And jumped for joy on the beaches of San Polo Croatia.
I love my Tevas, they help get me where I’m going. Whether it is by air, water, or land I know I can count on them. They are amazing shoes.
My Tevas have been with me every step of the way literally and figuratively, to travel the world. I wear them all the time! They are the shoes I slip on to run outside and take a picture of the sunset. I can walk in them all day in Croatia and then, walk them right into the Adriatic Sea to cool off! I am VERY picky about shoes, and I have no complaints about Tevas. They are that perfect shoe for anything travel, everyday, a walk into town, or to take to the beach. If you ever need a good go-to shoe, make sure to check out Tevas! They are the Perfect travel shoe.